A giant step forward with edeXa Universe
June 8, 2022

A giant step forward with edeXa Universe

Creating your own Blockchain is not an easy task and will likely require some financial resources unless you can take care of things like development and documentation.
As a result, important operations like onboarding a new organization, building a channel, or implementing chaincodes become a complicated process.

edeXa Universe on the other hand, simplifies the process of setting up a Hyperledger Fabric blockchain network for your own Permissioned Blockchain.

Your Platform for your own Blockchain and Decentralize services.

Universe offers a purpose-built platform for developing decentralized blockchain apps and this is all possible with Universe Lego brick ecosystem.

edeXa Approach as permissioned Blockchain, meaning only trusted and verified entities can participate in the ecosystem of infinite possibilities. It uses the most secure open-source Distributed ledger technology like hyperledger fabric at its core. Making it lightning-fast, secure without compromising the privacy of its users.

Organizations in the edeXa Universe create a consortium with other Companies and data of transactions that happen in the consortium is only stored on the nodes participating in that consortium.

Model of the edeXa Universe

the end-to-end digital processes via the blockchain result in numerous opportunities for automation. For example, machines can send production data directly to the blockchain and receive production orders via the blockchain. As a decentralized and secure transaction platform, the blockchain is essential for this, as companies only make sensitive information, such as production data, accessible to uninvolved third parties when this is absolutely necessary.

The blockchain and its associated applications are also open to external developers. edeXa offers developers and companies an interface and platform to write their own applications based on the edeXa blockchain. The edeXa customers can integrate these applications into their business or develop an application connected to the existing IT system. We also support companies in developing applications individually on behalf of our customers according to their own requirements.

Organizations , startups and businesses also have the option of creating their own “sub blockchain” in order to run their applications on their own channel.

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