edeXa — an exciting journey is about to start
June 8, 2022

edeXa — an exciting journey is about to start

edeXa is a high-tech company that offers business solutions on the blockchain.

What is edeXa?

edeXa will revolutionize the Supply-Chain for businesses, from small to large corporations. We have many years of experience in the supply-chain industry. The parent company io-market has been offering e-procurement, EDI-Services, contract and e-invoicing solutions for almost 20 years now. The newly found subsidiary edeXa will now bring these services — and many more — to the blockchain. With our business blockchain solutions and services, we want to connect companies around the world and speed-up their supply-chain.

Furthermore, edeXa might be a startup but has the logistical and financial support from the parent company io-market. This helps in starting the business and getting not only the initial funding but also some initial staff and access to many customers. We’re a real business with a large office and staff you can actually visit and see for yourself.

Our revolutionary Token Sale

edeXa has decided to choose a Security Token Sale in order to finance the new subsidiary and give Investors a unique opportunity to become a part of it. edeXa offers a Security Token that behaves much like a regular stock. Our Investors will be in our official stock register and are entitled to the rights from the stocks. We believe in the future of crypto Tokens and exchanges but we did not want to offer a Utility Token like everyone else. Therefore we decided to choose a proper Security Token with much more security for Investors and the prospect of future dividends.

When does our Security Token Sale start

For the past few weeks, we have been in talks with private investors and are happy to announce, that we have managed to secure a broad support and funding. With this backing, we’re looking forward to opening investment opportunities to the public now. For early public investors, we offer a discount. You will find more information on our website www.edexa.io very soon.

Why is it limited to only 5 million?

The edeXa Security Token offers security for investors. This is something completely new for Token Sales. This is also the reason why Investors must be from the European Economic Area or EEA exclusively. Ideally, we would love to open investment opportunities to everybody worldwide. Unfortunately, there are some regulatory hurdles as of now. We’re confident that in the near future, we can accept even more investors from all over the world.

Business Solutions of edeXa

The business blockchain from edeXa is specifically designed to meet the needs of businesses. Enterprises have very different needs compared to the general public and cryptocurrencies. This is also one reason for the low adoption rates of blockchain project for enterprises outside of the startup-sphere. Every company has his own supply-chain and needs a tool to handle suppliers and customers. These tools are often outdated, rely on a central unit and it is about time for a much more efficient solution. For some companies, goods should be traceable, others need a reliable procurement platform and still, others need a platform for successful EDI and contract management. edeXa will offer all these services on the blockchain. We aim to build Services and Applications, that incorporates all steps along the supply chain and connects enterprises around the world. We’re not only talking about it, but our parent company io-market has over the past 18 years proven, how important efficient supply-chain solutions are. io-market is proud to have business relations to companies ranging from small family businesses to large international corporations.

If you would like to profit from this opportunity, you can invest here, subscribe to our Newsletter here, or join our Telegram Channel.

Become a part of edeXa

edeXa is a Service and Solution Provider for innovative Supply-Chain Solutions on the blockchain. These Services and Solutions will be available soon and offer cooperations huge advantages over current inefficient supply-chain processes. Our goal is to connect businesses and deliver efficient solutions that save time, money and errors. edeXa is a subsidiary of the successful io-market AG, that has been offering tailored solutions for procurement, EDI-Services, contract management, and e-invoicing for the past 18 years.

If you would like to profit from this opportunity, you can invest here, subscribe to our Newsletter here, or join our Telegram Channel.
